cleaning the studio (again)

spring cleaning the studio. again. (again!)

April 6, 2019

I’m pretty sure I could be a millionaire if I had a dollar for every time I’ve rearranged my studio and had to organize and dig out the mess and…*sigh*. As much grief as that room gives me, I would not give it up for anything. 

This time around, the mess really skyrocketed when I put my grow stands for my plants in there. It was necessary so I could convert my bedroom into a super peaceful recovery space while I was going through chemo but it created a mess in my studio that amazes even me. (And that’s really saying something.)

I’m working on a super Big Project and I know one thing – I can’t find a single thing I need in that heap. And instead of pulling my usual “I’ll just buy it again because I know I’ll use it when I find the original anyway” (which is why I have 3,499 pairs of scissors), I sat down with Art Brain and worked out a plan that won’t make us both weep with frustration.

Every Saturday and Sunday I will work in there for two hours each day. I focus on one single small section and we sort plant stuff from art stuff. Toss anything that is trash and rehome things that I don’t need or want anymore. We just started this plan today and I’m encouraged that the time limit is breaking it down to small bits as well as cutting me off when I start to get tired of dealing with it. Because once I hit that limit? I don’t make good decisions anymore.

This is where I’m at after today’s cleaning session.




sometimes they are just weird + organization in progress

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